Lecture and Book Signing with Jo Weldon
These days leopard print is so common that we take it for granted, but it remains one of the most controversial topics in fashion, equally denounced and adored. The term “leopard print” no longer refers simply to the pattern of a big cat being represented on fabric. From being the sole province of kings and warriors, it has become a fashion staple for people in every walk of life. It now signifies a wide range of conflicting implications, depending on who wears it and where they wear it. Because it was created in nature, it can never be purely cultural, but pop culture has imbued it with impact no one could have imagined 100 years ago. No matter how common the print becomes, it never loses its bite! This illustrated lecture will trace leopard print’s path through modern fashion and celebrate some of its fiercest wearers.
We are thrilled to have Jo Weldon, our 2017 Legend of Nerdlesque & the headmistress of the Original School of Burlesque, present her lecture on the History of Leopard Print at historic Coney Island USA.
SATURDAY, April 13 at 12pm $25 REGISTER NOW! Pre-Registration closes April 9
All classes are held at Coney Island, USA, 1208 Surf Avenue. Visit the Nerdlesque Festival registration table in the Freak Bar, or secure your spot and register now!
Limited number of books will be available for sale. Order by Friday April 12 and save $5! Books will also be available at full price in the Coney Island Gift Shop . The book may be ordered from this page for pickup at the April 13 lecture only. It will not be shipped.
Purchase the book at discount below:
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